Any keyboard shortcuts and tips?
Boonzi has several keyboard shortcuts to make you more productive, saving you time.
To see all the available shortcuts, at a given time, just hold the
Ctrl key.
To navigate through the application you can use the following keyboard shortcuts:
- Ctrl+Shift+O - Overview
- Ctrl+Shift+T - Transactions
- Ctrl+Shift+C - Categories report
- Ctrl+Shift+E - Entities report
- Ctrl+Shift+M - Cashflow report
- Ctrl+Shift+V - Balance over time
- Ctrl+Shift+R - Agenda
- Ctrl+Shift+B - Monthly budgets
- Ctrl+Shift+L - Annual budgets
- Ctrl+Shift+P - Profile configuration
- Ctrl+Shift+A - Accounts configuration
- Ctrl+Shift+G - Categories configuration
- Ctrl+Shift+Y - Entities configuration
When in the transactions screen:
- Ctrl+N - New transaction
- Ctrl+I - Import transactions
When creating a new transaction/budget/account/category/entity/reminder:
- ESC - Cancels
- Ctrl+S - Saves
- Tab - Advances to the next form field
- Shift+Tab - Returns to the previous form field
When importing transactions:
- Ctrl+N - Next step
- Tab ou Enter - Advances to the next datagrid cell (when categorizing transactions)
- Shift+Tab - Returns to the previous datagrid cell (when categorizing transactions)
In budgets:
- Ctrl+N - New budget
- Ctrl+S - Save budget
- Esc - Cancel
Useful tips
When inserting dates, on the date input, you don’t have to write the full date:
- If you write only the number of the date, Boonzi will automatically fill in the rest with the current month and year.
- You can also write today, yesterday, etc.
- Other date formats are also allowed, like 2 May
When you are creating or editing a transaction, you don’t have to write the whole name of a category or entity (if they already exist). Boonzi will lookup and give you the closest matching result after you write the first letters.